Spokane Square Dance
Square & Folk Dance Federation of Washington
Why join a dance club?
The dance club’s mission is all about making square dance, round dance, and line dance exciting, accessible, and fun for everyone! We’re passionate about bringing people together through these lively and social activities. ​​
Dance clubs are always on the lookout for fresh ways to bring more fun and energy to the dance floor. Collaborating with other clubs and community organizations and providing dance lessons and classes are a huge part of how we keep the dance community growing stronger and more exciting every day!
Area Clubs
Club | Name | Role | Email | Phone |
Coeurly Q's | Deborah (Hendrik) Tenty | Treasurer | tentyspuds@gmail.com | (208) 667-2693 |
Coeurly Q's | David Rich | Vice President | dozingdad@yahoo.com | (208) 651-5534 |
Coeurly Q's | Teri Reynolds | Secretary | terireynolds0747@gmail.com | (208) 661-8507 |
Coeurly Q's | Donna Seil | President | dseil125@gmail.com | (208) 772-9802 |
Diamond Squares | Glo (Alan) Villars | President | tiggerbug29@yahoo.com | (509) 255-6232 |
Diamond Squares | Lois Simpson | Vice President | lois.jean00@gmail.com | (509) 981-1203 |
Diamond Squares | Kelley Sweet | Treasurer | luv2hvfun14@gmail.com | (509) 724-6243 |
Diamond Squares | Karen Reichardt | Secretary | spokanesquares@icould.com | (509) 329-8825 |
Free Range Chicks (Travel Club) | Bronwyn Brady | Contact | bronwynred@yahoo.com | |
Heart Beats (Clogging) | Jocilyn Stevens | President | stevensjocilynr@aol.com | (509) 496-4534 |
Heart Beats (Clogging) | Barbara Cagle | Vice President/Secretary/Treasurer | barbara@barnaracagle.com | (509) 951-7300 |
Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners | Randee Pound | President | rpound1956@gmail.com | (208) 304-8364 |
Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners | Penny Goodman | Vice President | aok@netw.com | (208) 946-0741 |
Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners | Kari Franks | Treasurer | frankskl73@yahoo.com | (208) 704-9760 |
JAMM Country Line Dancers | Michele Darling | Vice President | msdarli@dsdarling.com | |
JAMM Country Line Dancers | Annmarie Keck | President | annmarie.keck99@gmail.com | |
JAMM Country Line Dancers | Mary Everett | Secretary/Treasurer | mary56everett@yahoo.com | |
Model T's | John Fast | Vice President | npi.john@yahoo.com | (509) 238-4140 |
Model T's | Gary (Christy) Gibson | President | gcfarm@msn.com | (509) 951-5526 |
Model T's | Phil Robinson | Treasure | spokanepilot@hotmail.com | (509) 280-7775 |
Model T's | Karen (Don) Grant | Secretary | karengrant@gmail.com | (916) 549-4836 |
North Spokane Dance Association | Tim Lakey | President | danceangle1951@gmail.com | (509) 714-0389 |
North Spokane Dance Association | Ron & Julia Nordstrom | Vice President | mrsjnordstrom@gmail.com | (805) 452-9601 |
North Spokane Dance Association | Claudia (Bob) Amsbury | Secretary | r.amsbury@comcast.net | (509) 328-5175 |
North Spokane Dance Association | Phil Robinson | Treasurer | spokanepilot@hotmail.com | (509) 280-7775 |
Octoplus | Donna Schock | Treasurer | donalouise18@hotmail.com | (509) 435-5015 |
Octoplus | Julia (Ron) Nordstrom | Text Message Tree | dancerjulia62@yahoo.com | (805) 452-9601 |
Octoplus | Valerie Kloepfel | President | valeriekloepfel@yahoo.com | (509) 251-8577 |
Octoplus | Karen Reichardt | Secretary | spokanesquares@icloud.com | (509) 329-8825 |
Roundup Workshop (Round Dance) | Jeff (Kari) Anderson | Vice President | werounddance@gmail.com | (208) 664-4001 |
Roundup Workshop (Round Dance) | Robert (Debra) Gruber | President/Treasurer | bob.gruber@outlook.com | (509) 220-0157 |
Roundup Workshop (Round Dance) | Debra (Bob) Gruber | Secretary | dagruber9@hotmail.com | (509) 981-2274 |
Spokane Callers & Cuers Association | Dan (Dora) Preedy | President | sqdncdan@yahoo.com | (509) 270-9264 |
Spokane Callers & Cuers Association | Claudia (Bob) Amsbury | Secretary | r.amsbury@comcast.net | (509) 328-5175 |
Spokane Callers & Cuers Association | Gary (Tami) Baker | Vice President/Treasurer | wsurx84@gmail.com | (406) 450-5052 |
Spokane Carousels (Round Dance) | Bob (Becky) Obernolte | Vice President | robernolte@aol.com | (509) 283-4194 |
Spokane Carousels (Round Dance) | Debra (Bob) Gruber | Secretary | dagruber9@hotmail.com | (509) 981-2274 |
Spokane Carousels (Round Dance) | Robert (Debra) Gruber | President | bob.gruber@outlook.com | (509) 220-0157 |
Spokane Carousels (Round Dance) | Greg (Regina) Eitzen | Treasurer | gregeitzen@gmail.com | (509) 747-6467 |
Star Shooters | Jennifer Devine-Thayer (Thomas) | Vice President | cuerjen@hotmail.com | (509) 704-5835 |
Star Shooters | Kelly (Gary) Hoff | President | garykellyhoff@msn.com | (509) 327-8996 |
Star Shooters | Sheila (Mark) Overman | Secretary | soverman15@gmail.com | (509) 723-5705 |
Star Shooters | Tricia Ensign | Treasurer | triciamae89@ymail.com | (907) 617-8606 |
Twin City Twirlers | Jerry (Verna) Aucutt | President | aucutttwo@gmail.com | (208) 743-6987 |
Twin City Twirlers | Verna (Jerry) Aucutt | Secretary | vernama2015@gmail.com | (208) 743-6987 |
Twin City Twirlers | Bonnie Hutchins | Treasurer | bonnie_ayla@hotmail.com | (865) 243-6372 |
Twin City Twirlers | Jeanne (Phil) Greer | Vice President | jeancstel@msn.com | (509) 295-3744 |
Valley Crosstrailers | Richard (Barbara) Snyder | Vice President | richardbarbarasd@gmail.com | (509) 443-0126 |
Valley Crosstrailers | Priscilla (Doug) Davis | President | ddavisp@aol.com | (509) 979-2607 |
Valley Crosstrailers | Kathy (Howard) Peake | Secretary | peakekathy@yahoo.com | (509) 995-5207 |
Valley Crosstrailers | Anthony Sereduck | Treasurer | tduck1@yahoo.com | (509) 496-8351 |
Wag Arounds (Round Dance) | Linda (Dan) Bailly | President | linda.willand@gmail.com | (509) 342-9912 |
Wag Arounds (Round Dance) | Don Roman | Vice President | (208) 691-3601 | |
Wag Arounds (Round Dance) | Kelly Sweet | Treasurer | luv2hvfun14@gmail.com | (509) 724-6243 |
Wag Arounds (Round Dance) | Shawna Domme | Secretary | timewatcher2@comcast.net | (509) 995-8590 |
Western Dance Association | Paul (Kathy) Fredricksen | President | hpfredricksen@gmail.com | (509) 991-3866 |
Western Dance Association | Shannon Stone | Assistant Secretary | ssonecntrygal@outlook.com | (509) 995-7680 |
Western Dance Association | Becky (Bob) Obernolte | Treasurer | obernolter@gmail.com | (509) 283-4194 |
Western Dance Association | Linda (Dan) Bailly | Secretary | linda.willand@gmail.com | (509) 342-9912 |
Western Dance Association | Dwayne (Ruby) Cejka | Building Maintenance | drcejka@yahoo.com | (907) 355-8947 |
Western Dance Association | Adam (Samantha) Christman | Program Chairman | sdcaller10101@gmail.com | (406) 871-0607 |
Western Dance Association | Richard (Barbara) Snyder | Vice President | richardbarbarasd@gmail.com | (509) 443-0126 |
Wild Rose Ramblers | Dwaine Brown | President | debrown-plb@comcast.net | (509) 489-3486 |
Wild Rose Ramblers | Bruce (Judy) Ottoson | Treasurer | bruceottoson@msn.com | (509) 475-3620 |
Wild Rose Ramblers | Lori (Ken) Kleven | Secretary | klkleven@comcast.net | (509) 467-3773 |
Wild Rose Ramblers | Barb (Don) Melis | Vice President | barbmelis@hotmail.com | (509) 325-4762 |
Coeurly Qs
Mainstream Squares
First Saturday
Harding Family Ceneter
411 N 15th St
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
President: Donna Seil:
VP: David Rich
Treasurer: Deborah Tenty
Secretary: Teri Reynolds
Diamond Squares
Mainstream Squares
Second Saturday
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
President: Glo Villars
VP: Lois Simpson
Treasurer: Kelley Sweet
Secretary: Karen Reichardt
Free Range Chicks
Travel Club
Contact: Bronwyn Brady
Heart beats
Deer Park, Washington
President: Jocilyn Stevens
Barbara Cagle
Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners
Mainstream Squares
Dates and locations vary, please see the calandar and flyers.
President: Randee Pound
VP: Penny Goodman
Treasurer: Kari Franks
Jamm Country Line Dancers
Line Dancing
Western Dance Center​
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
North Spokane Dance Center
7424 N Freya St
Spokane WA 99217
President: Annmarie Keck
VP: Michele Darling
Mary Everett
Model T Squares
Mainstream Squares
Third Saturday​
North Spokane Dance Center
7424 N Freya St
Spokane WA 99217​
President: Gary Gibson
Vice President: John Fast
Treasurer: Phil Robinson
Secretary: Karen Grant
North Spokane Dance Association
Please see calandar for hall events.
North Spokane Dance Center
7424 N Freya St
Spokane WA 99217
Hall Rentals: Karen Reichardt
​​​President:Tim Lakey
​VP: Ron Nordstrom
​Treasurer: Phil Robinson
Secretary: Claudia Amesbury
Plus Level Squares
Tuesdays, Year Round​
East Spokane Grange
1621 N Park Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Text Message Tree:
Julia Nordstrom
(Join our text tree to confirm Tuesday night dances.)​
President: Valerie Kloepfel
Treasurer: Donna Schock
​Secretary: Karen Reichardt
Roundup Workshop
Round Dance
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Robert Gruber
VP: Jeff Anderson
Secretary: Debra Gruber
Spokane Callers and Cuers
Dance leaders in the Spokane and North Idaho region
President: Dan Preedy
VP: Gary Baker
Claudia Amesbury
Spokane Carosels
Round Dance
First Three Thursdays of the Month
East Spokane Grange
1621 N Park Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
President: Robert Gruber
VP: Bob Obernolte
Treasurer: Greag Eitzen
Secretary: Debra Gruber
Star Shooters
Mainstream Squares
Fourth Saturday
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
President: Kelly Hoff
VP: Jen Divine-Theyer
Treasurer: Tricia Ensign
Secretary:Sheila Overman
Twin City Twirlers
Mainstream Squares / Rounds
2130 5th Ave
Clarkson WA 99403
President: Jerry Aucutt
VP: Jeanne Greer
Treasurer: Bonnie Hutchins
Secretary: Verna Aucutt
Valley Crosstrailers
Plus: Third Friday
Mainstream: Fourth Friday
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216​
President: Priscilla Davis
VP: Richard Snyder
Treasurer: Anthony Sereduck
​Secretary: Kathy Peake
Wag Arounds
Round Dance
First Sunday-Phase 2/3
Second Friday Phase 3/4/5
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
President: Linda Baily
VP: Don Roman
(208) 691-3601​​
Treasurer: Kelly Sweet
Secretary: Shawna Domme
Western Dance Association
Fifth Friday Dances​
Summer Festival and Salmon BBQ​
Western Dance Center
1901 Sullivan Rd
Spokane Valley, WA 99216​
President: Paul Fredrickson
VP: Richard Snyder
Treasurer:Becky Obernolte
Secretary:Linda Bailly
Hall Rentals: Shannon Stone
Wild Rose Ramblers
First Saturday
North Spokane Dance Center
7424 N Freya St
Spokane WA 99217
President: Barb Melis
Treasurer: Bruce Ottoson
Secretary: Lori Kelven
5th Saturday Dance
​The Area Coundcil is the Spokane area governing body of the local square, round and other folk dance organizations.​
Click the link above for council officers.
Click here for council bylaws and information.
Click above to check out the flyers for our local dances.​